-About Creative IT -

Creative Information Technology

Creative IT is a fully integrated Creative Marketing Agency. We cover a full range of creative services, from Social media marketing , Web design and developing, Mobile Application to brand creation.
Combining both “sides” of the industry and with the extensive support of our networks and Marketing arm, we are able to provide the client with a seamless pathway through the marketing lifecycle.

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10+ Years Experience
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-What We Offer-

Our Services


Web Design & Development

Design of your website is the first and most important trust signal to your potential customers


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Our focus on your website’s SEO will guarantee your site’s success on search engines


Digital Marketing Services

No business can survive in this day and age without a strong online presence by smart digital marketing efforts


Mobile Apps (iOS/Android)

Launch your business into mobile-centric world with the best mobile apps with best experience and results


CreativeIT Solutions

An integrated accounting program to manage commercial, industrial and educational enterprises

Our Portfolio

-Our Video-

Our Company Activities