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Website Devolopment

Web Design & Development Services

Our Web Design and Development Services are designed to cater to the needs of your business and help it grow in the digital era. The Design of your website is the first and most important trust signal to your potential customers. The design of a website can now make or break a business. But nothing in the business world can tell a story better than numbers, so here are some numbers that show just how crucial your website’s design is crucial for your business.

  • • 48% of people consider a website’s design as the most important factor in deciding the credibility of a business.
    • 94% of people mentioned that web design is the major reason they mistrust or reject a website
    • 75% of people judge a website’s credibility based on its aesthetics and design
    • 38% of people will leave a website if it doesn’t have an attractive layout
    • 94% of visitors will hit the back button and stop trusting a site if the web design is not good
    • 90% of visitors will leave a website in 3 seconds because of poor design.

When it comes to the Online world, “First Impression is the last impression”. Our goal is always to leave the user with the best first impression by delivering the most user-friendly experience. We can do that by focusing on three main areas:

Make it blazing fast

  • Everything about the website will be fast, from loading to scrolling to forms and everything in between.
    A fast-loading website means no customers hitting the back button, more love from Google, and no
    second-guessing when making purchases or other decisions.

A User-experience for humans

  • We design the website based on the most intuitive actions any human can do. Simplicity always wins,
    but it’s deceptively hard to create simple. We design the user journey on the website based on the most
    intuitive way people navigate the internet to guide them through conversion smoothly and effortlessly.
    Users just want to find what they’re looking for where they expect it to be, and even though sometimes they’re not sure what they want, we’ll make sure to help them find it in less than seconds.

Adapts to Any Device

  • The website will adapt to fit perfectly on any screen on any device your user is using. Small Screen? The
    text will still be clear. Large Screen? The buttons will show just as well. An old Tablet? No problem, the
    dynamic layout will simply shuffle to show all the information to deliver the same amazingly responsive

Lots to Love, Less to Worry About

  • The website will be designed to be beautiful, responsive, and adaptable, and while this takes hard work, you don’t need to worry about maintaining this beauty. You don’t need to worry about technical knowledge to maintain your website in perfect condition, because we design websites to be as dependable as they’re beautiful.

Just for you

Our Web designs are completely custom according to the needs of the user, so we can create it exactly for your needs and according to your business model. They’re professionally styled and carefully crafted to stand out in a world of a Billion (yes, that’s 1 with 9 zeros) sites in the world today.

As Secure as Fort Knox

We create websites with great attention to security and make it as difficult for intruders to get in as it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. *Fort Knox is where the US keeps its gold reserves and is regarded as the most secure vault on the planet.

Show Me the Money!

Just as much as we care about designing your website to perfection for the best user experience your users can have, we care about making it as profitable as possible for your business. We do this by optimizing every website for conversions based on your business model.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the oldest digital marketing technique in the book, and it’s still the most effective one in 2020. We will help your business develop an email marketing strategy for your business. We start by defining everything about your needs and email marketing campaign before we start planning the campaign. Deep and thorough research into your potential audiences will lead us to determine the best strategy to use in the campaign, the brand’s message, and the content used in the campaign. Our goal will always be to add value to both parties; you and your audience. Our email marketing campaigns are always planned to be a win-win for everyone involved.

We will use email marketing to benefit your business in many ways:

Lead Generation

  • We will create a strong strategy to develop your email list by capturing the emails of your website visitors through pop up forms, offers, and incentives for users. We will also enrich the campaign with your email list with the emails of your existing customers.

Convert Visitors into Subscribers

  • Through converting visitors to subscribers with incentives, we can keep your subscribers engaged with useful content that offers them value to keep them interested and engaged with your brand. We will keep on doing tests and campaigns to increase your CTR and conversions through email marketing to get the best possible results from your lists.

Advertising Campaigns

  • We can integrate our social media services, our SEO services, and our PPC services with our email marketing ads to boost your lead generation. This way we can generate many more subscribers through driving direct traffic directly from social media to landing pages where users can opt-in to your email list and become subscribers.

Email Newsletters

  • Our email marketing specialists will design email newsletters that send the clearest message of your brand, keep your subscribers engaged with your brand, and help
    you meet your goals. Our team will always implement the best practices for the highest email deliverability, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.
    We develop beautifully design emails that will catch the subscribers’ attention and entice them to click on it and click on its content. We can use email marketing to promote relevant blogs, case studies, upcoming events, case studies, offers, and more.

Email Marketing Reporting

  • We will send a monthly report that breaks down your email marketing performance and give you an overview of how your business is performing on the email marketing side.
    We will constantly and regularly analyze these reports to improve on next month’s
    campaign so you can see the performance curve keeping
    an upwards trajectory one month after the other