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Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

Going online for business is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. No business can survive in this day and age without a strong online presence supported by smart digital marketing efforts. We offer a variety of digital marketing services that are designed to help your business take off the ground and grow. Utilizing all the digital marketing channels and strategies, we will help your business reach more customers, engage them, and drive conversions. Our Digital Marketing Services include Social Media Marketing, Media Buying Campaigns, Email Marketing, Building Followers, Engaging Audiences, and Increasing Web Exposure through Search Engine Optimization. Let’s discuss each of them in a bit more detail.

Engagement – Building Relationships

  • Keeping your audience engaged is key to keeping them interested in your brand and keeping your leads warm and ready for conversions. An engaged audience will also help you reach more people when they share your content with their social circles, leading to more followers.
    The better and more consistently you engage your audience, the more chances they will recommend your brand to their circles and gain you new followers and customers. But Social Media engagement is more than just the accumulation of followers across social platforms.

Followers – Developing Brand Awareness

  • Growing your followers on Social Media is the key to generating more leads and potential customers. More social followers mean more word of mouth and much
    better chances of your services and products reaching the right audience.
    Studies have shown again and again that people only buy from brands they follow on Social Media and consume their content regularly. It’s also much easier to turn your followers into repeat and loyal customers by keeping them engaged. Speaking of engagement.

Social Media Marketing Services

  • Social Media is where everyone is right now, and it’s crucial for businesses to develop strong social media presence to develop relationships, increase brand awareness, and build website traffic.
    Our Social Media efforts focus on three main areas: followers, engagement, and traffic.
  • We offer promotional campaigns with our expert Media Buyers and marketers on the following platforms:
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • Twitter
    • YouTube
    • Google Ads

Why PPC is crucial for your success:

  • • 79% of marketers say that PPC is hugely beneficial for their businesses
    • 62% of marketers plan to increase their PPC budgets for the following year
    • 17% of marketers use PPC ads for lead generation
    • Search Ads on mobile is expected to reach $22.8 billion this year.
    • Search ads increase brand awareness by 80%
    • 58% of millennial purchased something due to an online ad
    • 74% of brands state that PPC is a huge driver for their business
    • 46% of internet users can’t readily tell the difference between PPC ads

Traffic – Increasing Website Exposure

  • We will help you drive more people to your website through social media campaigns. More people = More leads = More conversions and sales. By driving a high volume of people to your website, we will help your website’s traffic increase substantially and help you gain more leads through emails and forms.
    Pushing more people to the site will also be useful for capturing the data of your visitors and re-targeting them later with ads to increase your conversions and sales.

Media Buying Campaigns

  • Promoting your business is important to achieve your brand’s business objectives
    and shorten the time to see a good ROI on your digital marketing efforts.
    A well-planned and executed social media promotion can help push your business forward and quickly move customers through the sales funnel and turn your followers into customers, then into loyal brand advocates.

The dedicated focus of our experts

  • Our Marketing team is experienced with managing important campaigns with large budgets to ensure the best ROI for your business on every campaign. With dedication and constant monitoring, small adjustments will always be made to optimize the campaign’s performance and ensure it keeps getting the best results.
    A/B testing, calculated risks, and test campaigns are always being conducted to take every chance your business can have at reaching its goals and then more.

Develop Awareness (Followers)

Studies have shown that people like to buy from brands after they’ve come across their name or content an average of 5 times, so working on developing awareness and staying on your audience’s scope of vision is crucial for all your other efforts – marketing and otherwise. We will help you grow your follower base on social media and make sure those followers are exactly the right audience for your business. A thorough analysis will help us determine the best demographics, interests, and behaviors of your ideal customers so we can target people that match your ideal buyer personas.

Here is what we can offer

  • • Creating a Brand Identity
    • Photography sessions (Monthly or as needed)
    • Daily follow up on your brand’s presence.
    • A monthly plan for your brand
    • Creating Videos or Motion Videos for your services or products

Build and nurture Relationships (Engagement)

  • We will help you build strong relationships by engaging your audience. A well-engaged audience will convert much better and will help you grow your audience.
    The more people engage with your content with shares, likes, and comments, the more your content will be visible to their circles on social media, helping you gain
    new followers that you can engage, convert, and so on.

Increase Web Exposure (Traffic)

  • We will help your drive high volumes of traffic to your website through the social assets we build with you and the advertising campaigns we create. We can then work on re-targeting and remarketing to these people according to their activities on the website and gain new leads and conversions.

Creating Full Brand Identity (Branding)

  • We will help you build strong relationships by engaging your audience. A well-engaged audience will convert much better and will help you grow your audience.
    The more people engage with your content with shares, likes, and comments, the more your content will be visible to their circles on social media, helping you gain
    new followers that you can engage, convert, and so on