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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Organic search is still the primary source of traffic for websites, and it’s crucial for building trust and credibility with your audience. Our focus on your website’s SEO will guarantee your site’s success on search engines, and this is important not only for your business’s credibility but for the business’s growth over the coming years.

What you’re missing on without SEO?

  • Without SEO, you’re missing on a huge market. Here are some numbers that show just how huge this market is and how much potential it has.
    • Google has received 2.3 Trillion Searches in 2019. – So Much Potential!
    • The first five organic results get 67.60% of all clicks! – Not ranking = No Results.
    • 91% of all pages on Google never get any search traffic – No SEO = No Traffic
    • 72% of consumers do a local search before visiting a business.
    • Google accounted for 75% of all search traffic in 2019.

People expect to find you on google

  • People have come to expect to find the businesses they deal with on Google just as they can find them on Social Media. Not only that, they expect to find them on page 1 of Google because no one ever goes to page 2 (that’s why we keep the
    dead bodies there – old SEO joke).

Google is where people do their research

  • More users now than ever are doing their search on google first before making a purchasing decision, and the brands that offer a great user experience are the ones more likely to attract these leads and customers.

Highly Converting Traffic

  • 61% of Marketers stated that improving SEO and growing their organic search presence has been their top marketing strategy and is the most rewarding one.
    Search Engine Optimization can help you drive highly targeted, high converting traffic to your website.

The Perfect Sales Funnel

We can build the perfect sales funnel using SEO that can grab cold leads (which have a general problem) and guide them through the sales funnel all the way to offering your solution (conversion). We will then work on turning this sales funnel into a closed loop that keeps your customers engaged and loyal to the brand.

On Google, People want organic

People go to Google because they’re looking for answers, and studies have shown that 70-80% of users only click on organic results. In fact, organic does 5.66 times better than paid ads on Google.

The lowest cost for the longest-lasting results

  • Out of all your digital marketing efforts, SEO will have the most long-term impact on your business. Even though the cost of SEO is lower than other digital marketing efforts, its results can last for years and will help your website to bring in organic traffic and leads for years to come.
    We take this into consideration and make sure that we use the most up-to-date optimization strategies to give you results that will have a long-lasting effect on your business’s success and that will grow organically in the months and years to come without any extra effort.